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reference notes

Serial Computing

Traditionally, software has been written for serial computation:

Von Neumann Architecture

The Von Neumann architecture has been the basis for virtually all computer designs since the first generation.

Von Neumann Architecture

Von Neumann Architecture - Components

Processor Registers

User-visible registers

Control and status registers

Limitations of Serial Computing

Parallel Computing

Parallel Computing

Parallel vs. Concurrent

Parallel vs. Concurrent

What is Parallel Computing?

In the simplest sense, parallel computing is the simultaneous use of multiple compute resources to solve a computational problem. It can be run using multiple CPUs. A problem is broken into discrete parts that can be solved concurrently, with each part further broken down into a series of instructions. Instructions from each part execute simultaneously on different CPUs.

Parallel Computing: Resources

The compute resources can include:

Characteristics of Computational Problem

Importance of Parallel Computing

Limitations to Parallelism

Data Dependency Problem

The major problem of executing multiple instructions in a scalar program is the handling of data dependencies. If data dependencies are not effectively handled, it is difficult to achieve an execution rate of more than one instruction per clock cycle.

Terminologies in Parallel Computing

Term Definition
Supercomputing / High Performance Computing (HPC) Using the world’s fastest and largest computers to solve large problems
Node A standalone “computer in a box” that can be networked together to comprise a supercomputer
CPU / Socket / Processor / Core CPU (Central Processing Unit) was a singular execution component for a computer. Multiple CPUs were incorporated into a node, and individual CPUs were subdivided into multiple “cores.” CPUs with multiple cores are sometimes called “sockets” (vendor dependent). A node with multiple CPUs may contain multiple cores.
Task A logically discrete section of computational work, typically a program or program-like set of instructions that is executed by a processor
Parallel tasks A task that can be executed by multiple processors safely, yielding correct results
Serial execution Execution of a program sequentially, one statement at a time, often on a single processor machine. Virtually all parallel tasks have sections of a parallel program that must be executed serially.
Parallel Execution Execution of a program by more than one task, with each task being able to execute the same or different statements at the same moment in time
Pipelining Breaking a task into steps performed by different processor units, with inputs streaming through, much like an assembly line; a type of parallel computing
Symmetric MultiProcessor (SMP) Hardware architecture where multiple processors share a single address space and access to all resources, known as shared memory computing
Distributed Memory Hardware: network-based memory access for physical memory that is not common; Programming model: tasks can only logically “see” local machine memory and must use communications to access memory on other machines where other tasks are executing
Shared Memory Hardware: describes a computer architecture where all processors have direct access to common physical memory; Programming model: parallel tasks all have the same “picture” of memory and can directly address and access the same logical memory locations regardless of where the physical memory exists
Communications Exchange of data; can occur through shared memory buses or over a network
Granularity Qualitative measure of the ratio of computation to communication. Can be coarse (relatively large amounts of computational work done between communication events) or fine (relatively small amounts of computational work done between communication events)
Scalability Refers to a parallel system’s (hardware and/or software) ability to demonstrate a proportionate increase in parallel speedup with the addition of more processors
Parallel Overhead The amount of time required to coordinate parallel tasks
Massively Parallel Hardware comprising a given parallel system with many processors
Speed The time it takes the program to execute

Performance Measurement

Amdahl’s Law

Amdahl’s Law states that potential program speedup is defined by the fraction of code (P) that can be parallelized:

\[\text{speedup} = \frac{1}{1 - P}\]

Introducing the number of processors performing the parallel fraction of work, the relationship can be modeled by:

\[\text{speedup} = \frac{1}{\frac{P + S}{N}}\]

Where P = parallel fraction, N = number of processors, and S = serial fraction.

Here’s a table illustrating speedup calculated using the formula above for different values of P:

N P = 0.50 P = 0.90 P = 0.99
10 1.82 5.26 9.17
100 1.98 9.17 50.25
1000 1.99 9.91 90.99
10000 1.99 9.91 99.02
