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Binary Number System

Binary and IPv4 Addresses

Video - Converting Between Binary and Decimal Numbering Systems




Binary Positional Notation

Positional notation means that a digit represents different values depending on the “position” the digit occupies in the sequence of numbers.

The decimal positional notation system operates as described in the table. Radix | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 — | — | — | — | — Position in Number | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 Calculate | (10^3) | (10^2) | (10^1) | (10^0) Position value | 1000 | 100 | 10 | 1

The binary positional notation system operates as shown in the tables below.​ Radix | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — Position in Number | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 Calculate | (2^7) | (2^6) | (2^5) | (2^4) | (2^3) | (2^2) | (2^1) | (2^0) Position value | 128 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1

IPv4 Addresses

Routers and computers only understand binary, while humans work in decimal. It is important for you to gain a thorough understanding of these two numbering systems and how they are used in networking.

Hexadecimal Number System

Hexadecimal and IPv6 Addresses

Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversions

Follow the steps listed to convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal values:​

  1. Convert the decimal number to 8-bit binary strings.​
  2. Divide the binary strings in groups of four starting from the rightmost position.​
  3. Convert each four binary numbers into their equivalent hexadecimal digit.​

For example, 168 converted into hex using the three-step process.

  1. 168 in binary is 10101000.​
  2. 10101000 in two groups of four binary digits is 1010 and 1000.​
  3. 1010 is hex A and 1000 is hex 8, so 168 is A8 in hexadecimal.

Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion

Follow the steps listed to convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal values:​

  1. Convert the hexadecimal number to 4-bit binary strings.​
  2. Create 8-bit binary grouping starting from the rightmost position.​
  3. Convert each 8-bit binary grouping into their equivalent decimal digit.​

For example, D2 converted into decimal using the three-step process:​

  1. D2 in 4-bit binary strings is 1101 and 0010.​
  2. 1101 and 0010 is 11010010 in an 8-bit grouping.​
  3. 11010010 in binary is equivalent to 210 in decimal, so D2 is 210 is decimal