- Introduction to Design Rules
1.1. Types of Design Rules
- Principles
- Standard
- Guidelines 1.2. Usability Principles
- Learnability
- Flexibility
- Robustness
- Synthesizability
- Predictability
- Design Guidelines 2.1. Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules 2.2. Nielsen’s 10 Heuristics 2.3. Norman’s 7 Principles 2.4. HCI design patterns
Design Rules
Designing for Maximum Usability
- Goal of Interaction Design: Focuses on achieving maximum usability.
Principles of Usability
- General Understanding: Abstract design rules with low authority and high generality.
Standards and Guidelines
- Direction for Design: Provides guidance for design.
Design Patterns
- Capture and Reuse Design Knowledge: Involves documenting and applying reusable design solutions.
Types of Design Rules
- Principles:
- Abstract design rules with low authority and high generality.
- Standards:
- Specific design rules with high authority but limited application.
- Guidelines:
- Lower authority with more general application.
Increasing Authority
Increasing Generality
Usability Principles
- Learnability: Ease with which new users can begin effective interaction and achieve maximal performance.
- Flexibility: Multiplicity of ways the user and system exchange information.
- Robustness:
- Assessing the effect of past actions.
- Immediate vs. eventual honesty.
- Synthesizability:
- Determining the effect of future actions based on past interaction history.
- Operation visibility.
- Predictability: Assessing the effect of past actions.
Difference Between Windows 7 and Windows 8
- Comparing the learnability of the two designs.
- Familiarity:
- How prior knowledge applies to the new system.
- Guessability; affordance.
- Generalizability:
- Extending specific interaction knowledge to new situations.
- Consistency:
- Likeness in input/output behavior arising from similar situations or task objectives.
Generalizability Example
- Users are familiar with the toolbar in Microsoft PowerPoint, and the same knowledge applies in Adobe Photoshop toolbar.
Familiarity Example
- A recycle bin is a familiar item in the real world, and the recycle bin icon immediately suggests its function, indicating a collection of items. Similar to a folder for documents.
Consistency Example
- The design of Apple’s products is consistent across devices/platforms, providing the same look and feel for iPhone, iPad, MacBook, or Mac PC.
Dialogue Initiative
- Freedom from system-imposed constraints on input dialogues.
- System vs. user preemptiveness.
- Modifiability of the user interface by the user or system (adaptability or adaptivity).
- Ability of the system to support user interaction for more than one task at a time.
- Concurrent vs. interleaving; multimodality.
- Allowing equivalent values of input and output to be substituted for each other.
- Representation multiplicity; equal opportunity.
- Passing responsibility for task execution between user and system.
- Examples include automated spell checkers, grammar checkers, etc.
Dialogue Initiative Example
- Freedom from system-imposed constraints on input dialogues.
Customizability Example
- Users can choose the appearance of the toolbar according to their preference.
Multithreading Examples
- Multithreading in Mozilla.
- Multithreading in Windows.
- Task migratability in a BMI Calculator.
- Responsiveness:
- How the user perceives the rate of communication with the system.
- Stability:
- Task conformance.
- Degree to which system services support all of the user’s tasks.
- Task completeness; task adequacy.
Using Design Rules
- Design rules suggest how to increase usability.
- They differ in generality and authority.
Increasing Authority
Increasing Generality
- Set by national or international bodies to ensure compliance by a large community of designers.
- Require sound underlying theory and slowly changing technology.
- Hardware standards are more common than software.
- High authority and low level of detail.
- ISO 9241 defines usability as effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction with which users accomplish tasks.
Abstract Guidelines (Principles) Applicable During Early Life Cycle Activities
- More Suggestive and General Approach
- Design principles that are broad and offer general guidance.
- Understanding Justification for Guidelines
- Acknowledging the rationale behind guidelines aids in resolving conflicts.
Detailed Guidelines (Style Guides) Applicable During Later Life Cycle Activities
- Golden Rules and Heuristics
- “Broad brush” design rules for better design.
- Useful checklists for good design.
- Different collections include Nielsen’s 10 Heuristics, Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules, and Norman’s 7 Principles.
Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules
- Strive for Consistency (Rule 1)
- Emphasizes maintaining uniformity in design.
- Enable Frequent Users to Use Shortcuts (Rule 2)
- Facilitate efficiency by providing shortcuts for experienced users.
- Offer Informative Feedback (Rule 3)
- Ensure the system communicates effectively with users.
- Dialog Design for Closure (Rule 4)
- Design dialogs to give users a sense of completion.
- Error Prevention and Handling (Rules 5 and 6)
- Provide measures to prevent errors and allow easy reversal of actions.
- Support Internal Locus of Control (Rule 7)
- Empower users by allowing them to feel in control.
- Reduce Short-term Memory Load (Rule 8)
- Minimize the cognitive load on users.
Norman’s 7 Principles
- Use Both Knowledge in the World and Knowledge in the Head (Principle 1)
- Leverage external and internal knowledge for design.
- Simplify the Structure of Tasks (Principle 2)
- Streamline task complexity for user understanding.
- Make Things Visible (Principle 3)
- Enhance visibility to bridge the gaps of execution and evaluation.
- Get the Mappings Right (Principle 4)
- Ensure accurate mapping between actions and results.
- Exploit the Power of Constraints (Principle 5)
- Utilize constraints, both natural and artificial, to guide user interactions.
- Design for Error (Principle 6)
- Incorporate design elements that minimize errors.
- Standardize When All Else Fails (Principle 7)
- Standardization as a fallback when other design strategies fail.
UI Design Patterns
- UI Design Patterns Overview
- An approach to reusing knowledge about successful design solutions.
- Characteristics of Patterns
- Capture design practice, not just theory.
- Represent design knowledge at various levels: social, organizational, conceptual, detailed.
- Embody values and contribute to humane interface design.
UI Design Patterns Examples
- Examples of UI Design Patterns
- Password strength meter.
- Alternate row colors.
- Breadcrumb navigation.
Principles for usability
- repeatable design for usability relies on maximizing benefit of one good design by abstracting out the general properties which can direct purposeful design
- The success of designing for usability requires both creative insight (new paradigms) and purposeful principled practice
Using design rules
- standards and guidelines to direct design activity