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reference notes

  1. Introduction to Design Rules 1.1. Types of Design Rules
    • Principles
    • Standard
    • Guidelines 1.2. Usability Principles
    • Learnability
    • Flexibility
    • Robustness
    • Synthesizability
    • Predictability
  2. Design Guidelines 2.1. Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules 2.2. Nielsen’s 10 Heuristics 2.3. Norman’s 7 Principles 2.4. HCI design patterns

Design Rules

Designing for Maximum Usability

Principles of Usability

Standards and Guidelines

Design Patterns

Types of Design Rules

Increasing Authority

Increasing Generality

Usability Principles

Difference Between Windows 7 and Windows 8


Generalizability Example

Familiarity Example

Consistency Example

Dialogue Initiative






Dialogue Initiative Example

Customizability Example

Multithreading Examples


Using Design Rules

Increasing Authority

Increasing Generality



Abstract Guidelines (Principles) Applicable During Early Life Cycle Activities

  1. More Suggestive and General Approach
    • Design principles that are broad and offer general guidance.
  2. Understanding Justification for Guidelines
    • Acknowledging the rationale behind guidelines aids in resolving conflicts.

Detailed Guidelines (Style Guides) Applicable During Later Life Cycle Activities

  1. Golden Rules and Heuristics
    • “Broad brush” design rules for better design.
    • Useful checklists for good design.
    • Different collections include Nielsen’s 10 Heuristics, Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules, and Norman’s 7 Principles.

Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules

  1. Strive for Consistency (Rule 1)
    • Emphasizes maintaining uniformity in design.
  2. Enable Frequent Users to Use Shortcuts (Rule 2)
    • Facilitate efficiency by providing shortcuts for experienced users.
  3. Offer Informative Feedback (Rule 3)
    • Ensure the system communicates effectively with users.
  4. Dialog Design for Closure (Rule 4)
    • Design dialogs to give users a sense of completion.
  5. Error Prevention and Handling (Rules 5 and 6)
    • Provide measures to prevent errors and allow easy reversal of actions.
  6. Support Internal Locus of Control (Rule 7)
    • Empower users by allowing them to feel in control.
  7. Reduce Short-term Memory Load (Rule 8)
    • Minimize the cognitive load on users.

Norman’s 7 Principles

  1. Use Both Knowledge in the World and Knowledge in the Head (Principle 1)
    • Leverage external and internal knowledge for design.
  2. Simplify the Structure of Tasks (Principle 2)
    • Streamline task complexity for user understanding.
  3. Make Things Visible (Principle 3)
    • Enhance visibility to bridge the gaps of execution and evaluation.
  4. Get the Mappings Right (Principle 4)
    • Ensure accurate mapping between actions and results.
  5. Exploit the Power of Constraints (Principle 5)
    • Utilize constraints, both natural and artificial, to guide user interactions.
  6. Design for Error (Principle 6)
    • Incorporate design elements that minimize errors.
  7. Standardize When All Else Fails (Principle 7)
    • Standardization as a fallback when other design strategies fail.

UI Design Patterns

  1. UI Design Patterns Overview
    • An approach to reusing knowledge about successful design solutions.
  2. Characteristics of Patterns
    • Capture design practice, not just theory.
    • Represent design knowledge at various levels: social, organizational, conceptual, detailed.
    • Embody values and contribute to humane interface design.

UI Design Patterns Examples

  1. Examples of UI Design Patterns
    • Password strength meter.
    • Alternate row colors.
    • Breadcrumb navigation.


Principles for usability

Using design rules