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reference notes

  1. Introduction to Cognitive Models in HCI 1.1. Goals & Task Hierarchies
    • Goals vs Tasks
    • Issues for Goal Hierarchies 1.2. Task Model
    • Introduction to Task Analysis
    • Task Decomposition
  2. Techniques 2.1. Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection (GOMS)
    • Introduction to GOMS
    • Example of GOMS 2.2. Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA)
    • Introduction to HTA
    • Example of HTA

Introduction to Cognitive Models in HCI

Cognitive models represent users of interactive systems

Cognitive Models model aspects of user as they interact:

Common categorization:

Task Analysis:

Task Analysis in Design Thinking Process:

Goal and Task Hierarchies

Solve goals by solving subgoals

produce report
    gather data
        . find book names
            .. do keywords search of names database
                ...further sub-goals
            .. sift through names and abstracts by hand
                ...further sub-goals
        . search sales database
            ..further sub-goals
    layout tables and histograms
        ..further sub-goals
    write description
        ..further sub-goals

Issues for Goal Hierarchies

Task Analysis

How to Conduct Task Analysis


Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection (GOMS)

GOMS example

For a particular user Sam:
    Rule 1: Select USE-CLOSE-METHOD unless another rule applies.
    Rule 2: If the application is GAME, select L7-METHOD.

GOMS as A Measure of Performance

Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA)

Procedure for Carrying Out Hierarchical Task Analysis

HTA – Example 1: Make a Cup of Tea

HTA – Example 1: Make a Cup of Tea

HTA – Example 2: Borrow A Book

HTA – Example 2: Borrow A Book

HTA – Example 3 - Task analysis to design HTA



To illustrate, Subtask 1.4, “Complete address,” would break
down as follows:
1.Locate the Full Name field.
2.Move the insertion point to the field.
3.Type the full name.
4.Locate the Address Line 1 field.
5.Move the insertion point to the field.
6.Type the address.
7.Optional: Locate the Address Line 2 field.
8.Move the insertion point to the field.
9.Type the address.
10.Locate the Town/City field.
11.Move the insertion point to the field.
12.Type the town or city.
13.Locate the County field.
14.Move the insertion point to the field.
15.Type the county.
16.Locate the Postcode field.
17.Move the insertion point to the field.
18.Type the postal code.
19.Locate the Country field.
20.Move the insertion point to the field.
21.Select the country from the drop-down list.
22.Locate the Phone Number field.
23.Move the insertion point to the field.
24.Type the phone number. 1 - 22

HTA – Textual Representation

An Example of HTA For a Microwave Oven

Task Analysis – Critical Thinking
