- Propositional calculus and the predicate calculus are languages.
- Propositional: P may represent one story
- Predicate: Individual argument
- Calculus / Logic: can be used for theorem proving
- Using their words, phrases, and sentences, we can represent and reason about properties and relationships in the world.
Propositional Calculus vs. Predicate Calculus
- Propositional calculus examples:
- raining ∨ snowing ⇒ wet
- p ∨ q ⇒ r
- Predicate calculus examples:
- loves(tom, Jerry).
- loves(X, Y).
- student(x).
- Logic is the science of argument evaluation.
- Arguments consist of groups of statements, including premises and a conclusion.
- Premises and conclusions are sentences that claim certain things.
- They can be either true or false.
- Such sentences are called statements.
Propositional Constants
- T – true
- F – false
Propositional Variables
- Propositional variables can have values T or F.
- They can be thought of as symbols standing for simple sentences that can be true or false.
Atomic Propositions
- Atomic propositions cannot be further subdivided.
- They include propositional constants and any propositional variables.
- For example, if A is “She lives in Bangi,” A is an atomic proposition.
Compound Propositions
- Compound propositions are expressions built out of atomic propositions and logical connectives.
- For example, if A is “She lives in Bangi” and B is “She loves Korean food,” then A and B is a compound proposition.
Propositional Calculus Symbols
- The symbols of propositional calculus include:
- Propositional symbols: P, Q, R, S, …
- Truth symbols: true, false
- Connectives: ∧, ∨, ¬, → / ⇒, ⇔ / ≡
- Propositional symbols denote propositions or statements about the world that may be either true or false.
Sentences in the Propositional Calculus
- Sentences in the propositional calculus are formed from atomic symbols following these rules:
- Every propositional symbol and truth symbol is a sentence.
- The negation of a sentence is a sentence.
- The conjunction (and) of two sentences is a sentence.
- The disjunction (or) of two sentences is a sentence.
- The implication of one sentence for another is a sentence.
- The equivalence of two sentences is a sentence.
Propositional Calculus Semantics
Interpretation of Propositions: An interpretation of a set of propositions is the assignment of a truth value, either T (true) or F (false), to each propositional symbol.
Propositional Symbols Correspond to Statements: Each proposition symbol corresponds to a statement about the world. For example, P may denote the statement “it is raining,” and Q may denote the statement “I live in a brown house.”
Propositions are Either True or False: A proposition must be either true or false, depending on the state of the world.
Interpretation as Truth Value Assignment: The truth value assignment to propositional sentences is called an interpretation. It represents an assertion or declaration about the truth of those propositions in a possible world.
True and False Symbols: The symbols “true” always corresponds to T (true), and “false” corresponds to F (false).
Formal Definition: Formally, an interpretation is a mapping from propositional symbols into the set {T, F} for truth value assignment.
Mapping to Possible Worlds: Each possible mapping of truth values onto propositions corresponds to a possible world of interpretation.
Example: If P denotes the proposition “it is raining,” and Q denotes “I am at work,” then the set of propositions {P, Q} can have four different mappings into the truth values {T, F}. These mappings represent different possible worlds of interpretation.
Truth Value Assignment
- The interpretation or truth value for sentences is determined by the following rules:
- Negation (¬P): F if P is T, T if P is F.
- Conjunction (P ∧ Q): T only when both P and Q are T; otherwise, it is F.
- Disjunction (P ∨ Q): F only when both P and Q are F; otherwise, it is T.
- Implication (P → Q): F only when P is T and Q is F; otherwise, it is always T.
- Equivalence (P ↔ Q): T only when P and Q have the same truth assignment for all possible interpretations; otherwise, it is F.
Compound Sentences
Compound sentences are expressions composed of statement variables, propositional constants, and logical connectives. They describe relationships between propositions.
- raining ∨ snowing → wet
- P ∨ Q
- (P ∨ ¬Q) ∧ R
Term | Symbol | Meaning |
Negations | ¬ raining | The argument of a negation is called the target. |
Conjunctions | raining ∧ snowing | The arguments of a conjunction are called conjuncts. |
Disjunctions | raining ∨ snowing | The arguments of a disjunction are called disjuncts. |
Implications | raining → cloudy | The left argument is the antecedent, and the right is the consequent. |
Reductions | cloudy ← raining | The left argument is the consequent, and the right is the antecedent. |
Equivalences | raining ↔ cloudy | P ↔ Q is true if P and Q have the same values - both true or both false. |
Rules of Algebraic Manipulation
- Some laws for logic use include:
- x ∨ y = y ∨ x (Commutativity)
- x ∧ y = y ∧ x
- x ∨ (y ∨ z) = (x ∨ y) ∨ z (Associativity)
- x ∧ (y ∧ z) = (x ∧ y) ∧ z
- x ∨ (y ∧ z) = (x ∨ y) ∧ (x ∨ z) (Distributivity)
- x ∧ (y ∨ z) = (x ∧ y) ∨ (x ∧ z)
Logical Equivalence
- Two sentences are logically equivalent if and only if they logically entail each other. Examples include:
- ¬(¬p) ≡ p
- ¬(p ∧ q) ≡ ¬p ∨ ¬q (de Morgan’s law)
- ¬(p ∨ q) ≡ ¬p ∧ ¬q (de Morgan’s law)
- (p → q) ≡ ¬p ∨ q
English | Calculus / Logic | Example |
and, but | AND (Λ) | It is hot and cloudy |
P: It is hot | Q: It is cloudy | P Λ Q |
not | NOT (¬) | It is not hot |
¬ P | ||
or (inclusive) | OR (V) | It is hot or cloudy (or both) |
P V Q | ||
or (exclusive) | P or Q but not both | It is either hot or cloudy (but not both) |
(P V Q) Λ ¬(P Λ Q) | ||
neither… nor | ¬ P Λ ¬ Q | It is neither hot nor cloudy |
¬ P Λ ¬ Q |
Clausal Form
• Propositional resolution works only on expressions in clausal form. • Fortunately, it is possible to convert any set of propositional calculus sentences into an equivalent set of sentences in clausal form.
Conversion to Clausal Form
These rules are adapted from Artificial Intelligence, by Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight.
- Eliminate logical implications (⇒) using the fact that P ⇒ Q is equivalent to ¬P ∨ Q.
- P ⇒ Q becomes ¬P ∨ Q
- P ⇐ Q becomes P ∨ ¬Q
- P ⇔ Q becomes (¬P ∨ Q) ∧ (P ∨ ¬Q)
- Reduce the scope of each negation to a single term, using the following facts:
- ¬¬P = P
- ¬(P ∧ Q) = ¬P ∨ ¬Q
- ¬(P ∨ Q) = ¬P ∧ ¬Q
- ¬∀x: P(x) = ∃x: ¬P(x)
- ¬∃x: P(x) = ∀x: ¬P(x)
Predicate Calculus/Logic
- In Propositional Calculus, each atomic symbol (P, Q, etc.) denotes a proposition of some complexity.
- In Propositional Calculus, we cannot access the components of an individual assertion, limiting our ability to work with complex statements involving individuals, their properties, and relations.
The Need for Predicate Calculus
- Consider the following argument:
- All birds can fly.
- Tweety is a bird.
- Therefore, Tweety can fly.
- To make this conclusion, we need to identify individuals like Tweety with their properties and relations (predicates).
- We require a more expressive language, and that’s where Predicate Calculus comes in.
Predicates in Predicate Calculus
- In logic, a predicate has the form:
- We use predicates to describe properties and relations in a more detailed way.
Restructuring Statements with Predicates
- Consider the following statements:
- P: Lina is a student.
- Q: Lina studies AI.
- R: Tina is a student.
- S: Lina and Tina are sisters.
- We can rewrite these statements using predicates:
studies(Lina, AI)
sisters(Lina, Tina)
- In these predicate statements, “student,” “studies,” and “sisters” are the names of relations and properties, i.e., names of predicates.
- The statement
evaluates to TRUE if Lina is a student and FALSE if she is not.
Using Variables in Predicate Calculus
- When expressing a property (e.g., being a student) without referring to a specific individual, we use variables:
studies(X, Y)
sisters(X, Y
- The expression
is not a statement because it doesn’t have a predetermined truth value (the truth value depends on the value of X). - It is called a predicate expression, allowing us to generalize properties and relations to multiple individuals.
Conditional (→) and Biconditional (⇔) in Predicate Logic
Conditional (→)
- In predicate logic, the conditional operator (→) represents an implication.
- For two predicates, P(X) and Q(X), P(X) → Q(X) signifies that all elements in the truth set of P(X) are also elements in the truth set of Q(X.
- It can be stated that the truth set of P(X) is a subset of the truth set of Q(X), meaning:
- All X in the truth set of P(X) belong to the truth set of Q(X).
- P(X) = “living in Bangi”
- Q(X) = “living in Selangor”
- P(X) → Q(X) can be written as
living_in_Bangi(X) → living_in_Selangor(X)
. - This means that all people living in Bangi (the truth set of P(X)) also live in Selangor; they belong to the truth set of Q(X).
- Notably, the truth set of Q(X) is larger than the truth set of P(X) since there are people living in Selangor who do not live in Bangi.
Biconditional (⇔)
- In predicate logic, the biconditional operator (⇔) represents equivalence.
- For two predicates, P(X) and Q(X), P(X) ⇔ Q(X) indicates that the truth set of P(X) is the same as the truth set of Q(X), meaning they share identical elements.
- P(X) = “being a rectangle with equal sides”
- Q(X) = “being a square”
- In this case, P(X) ⇔ Q(X) can be understood as “a square is a rectangle with equal sides.”
- The truth sets of P(X) and Q(X) are the same, which means that a square can be classified as a rectangle with equal sides, as they share identical properties.
Quantifiers in Predicate Calculus
In Predicate Calculus, there are two ways variables may be used or quantified: Universal quantifiers () and Existential quantifiers (∃).
Universal quantifiers ()
- Sentence is true for all constants that can be substituted for the variable under the intended interpretation.
- In English, the quantity “all” can be represented in several ways, such as “for all,” “all,” “each,” or “every.”
∀x P(X) → Q(X)
This means, “For all X, if P(X) is true (X is in P), then Q(X) is also true.”
- In this example, the first predicate P(X) defines a set of objects (e.g., even numbers), and the second predicate Q(X) states a property for all objects in this set (e.g., integers).
Existential quantifiers (∃)
- The expression containing the variable is said to be true for at least one substitution from the domain of definition.
- In English, the existential quantifier can be represented by words like “there is,” “we can find,” “there is at least one,” “for some,” “for at least one,” or “at least one.”
∃X P(X) Λ Q(X)
This means, “There is some X in P with the property Q,” i.e., both P(X) is true and Q(X) is true.